Database Capacity Planning

Capacity and Growth Forecast

How to estimate the growth and forecast of a database on a host.
Step-by-step guide

The procedure is at the bottom of this article.

Login to enterprise manager from sqlplus (from omsdbaup03)
oracle@omsdbaup03:/users/oracle [emrep12c]

$ sqlplus sysman/xxxxxx

2. Follow the following to calculate growth for each database on a host

SQL> set serveroutput on;
SQL> exec db_growth('ITRDBAUP02','text');
Host is ITRDBAUP02
Allocated DB free mb 319240.56 MB
Allocated OS free mb 2132379880 MB
Growth per month 247.91 MB
This system will reach 100% by : Too far in the future to calculate
Host is ITRDBAUP02
Allocated DB free mb 281163.5 MB
Allocated OS free mb 2132379880 MB
Growth per month 21420.16 MB
This system will reach 100% by : Too far in the future to calculate
Disclaimer: This is an estimate only, data is not distributed evenly across all
tablespaces and is not consumed evenly either!

The following parameters are accepted.

procedure: db_growth

Parameter 1: host_name

Parameter 2: output type, (text or excel). Default is excel

Parameter 3: header: on/off (if using excel, it will display a list of headings per column). Default is off

Parameter 4: debug: 0/1 (this will display a list of debugging features for development only). Default is 0 (off)

Here is the procedure:

CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE SYSMAN.db_growth (in_host_name in varchar2, output in varchar2 default 'excel', header in varchar2 default 'off', debugme in number default 0)
/* Who         When          Why
   Mark Young  2-June-2016   Calculate growth and how much time we have left
   Mark Young  2-August-2016    Changed the value of in_host to upper(in_host)
   Mark Young  16-August-2016   If the value return null, output a 0
   Mark Young  18-August-2016   Support for ASM and RAC systems
   Mark Young  19-August-2016   Have 2 methods of output Excel or Text
   Mark Young  24-August-2016	Change the algorithm 
   Mark Young  26-August-2016   alter session set nls_date_format='DD/MM/YYYY';
   Mark Young  28-Nov-2016      Make a simple version Total space left divided by Growth Per Month

        --Declare the variables here
        v_target_guid  		varchar2(255);
		v_host_target_guid 	varchar2(90);
		v_avg_month 		number;
		v_datafile_count	number;	
		v_datafile_1		varchar2(255);
		v_os_free			number;
                v_output_result     number;
                in_host             varchar2(80);
                v_output_null       varchar2(10);
                v_cluster_name      varchar2(50);
                v_cluster_host      varchar2(80); 
                v_is_asm            number;
                V_CLUSTER_TARGET    varchar2(50);
                v_alloc_free_mb     number;
                V_months_left       varchar2(20);
                v_enddate           date;
                v_enddate_mess      varchar2(60);
                v_mymonths_left     varchar2(90);
                v_diskgroup         varchar2(2000);
                v_total_mb          number;
                v_percent_used      number; 
                v_usable_total_mb   number;  
		cursor get_db_targets
		  SELECT DISTINCT a.target_name, a.target_guid, t.target_type, a.host_name
          FROM MGMT$DB_DBNINSTANCEINFO_ALL a, mgmt$target_type t
         WHERE     a.target_guid = t.target_guid
                 AND UPPER(A.HOST_NAME) like upper(substr(in_host_name,0,length(in_host_name)-1) || '%')
                    AND (   t.target_type = 'rac_database'
                    OR (    t.target_type = 'oracle_database'
                        AND t.TYPE_QUALIFIER3 != 'RACINST')) order by 1;
        --Change the session to dd-mm-yyyy
        dbms_session.set_nls('nls_date_format', '''dd-mm-yyyy''');
        dbms_output.enable (1000000); 
        --Convert the host to uppercase
        in_host := upper(in_host_name);
	--First, lets get the target_guid from the input host name
        SELECT TARGET_GUID into v_host_target_guid FROM MGMT$target WHERE upper(TARGET_NAME)=upper(in_host_name) AND TARGET_TYPE='host';
        --generate the header if this is excel
	if header = 'on' then
            dbms_output.put_line(upper('Host ' || chr(9)  || 'Target' || chr(9) || 'DB Growth (per month)'  || chr(9) ||  'OS Free Space'  || chr(9) || 'Average Growth Per Month' || chr(9) || '100% Full' ));
        end if;

	FOR i in get_db_targets LOOP  
           --Lets see if it's a RAC instance
           if debugme = 1 then
                dbms_output.put_line('Target: ' || upper(i.target_type));
                dbms_output.put_line('Host_target_guid=' || v_host_target_guid);
           end if;
           --Now lets open the cursor and get the result for each target on the host.
			   (max(round(avg(a_size.size_gb*1024),2)) - min(round(avg(a_size.size_gb*1024),2)))/13 into v_avg_month
				   m.rollup_timestamp AS month_timestamp,
				   sum(m.average/1024) AS size_gb
				   mgmt$metric_daily m,
				   mgmt$target_type t
				   t.target_guid=HEXTORAW(i.target_guid) AND
				   (t.target_type='rac_database' OR 
				   (t.target_type='oracle_database' AND t.TYPE_QUALIFIER3 != 'RACINST')) AND      
				   m.target_guid=t.target_guid AND
				   m.metric_guid=t.metric_guid AND
				   t.metric_name='tbspAllocation' AND
				   (t.metric_column='spaceAllocated') AND
				   m.rollup_timestamp >= sysdate-365 AND
				   m.rollup_timestamp <= sysdate GROUP BY m.metric_column, m.rollup_timestamp) a_size, (SELECT m.rollup_timestamp AS month_timestamp, sum(m.average/1024) AS used_gb FROM mgmt$metric_daily m, mgmt$target_type t WHERE t.target_guid=HEXTORAW(i.target_guid) AND (t.target_type='rac_database' OR (t.target_type='oracle_database' AND t.TYPE_QUALIFIER3 != 'RACINST')) AND m.target_guid=t.target_guid AND m.metric_guid=t.metric_guid AND t.metric_name='tbspAllocation' AND (t.metric_column='spaceUsed') AND m.rollup_timestamp >= sysdate-365 AND
				   m.rollup_timestamp <= sysdate GROUP BY m.metric_column, m.rollup_timestamp) used WHERE a_size.month_timestamp =used.month_timestamp GROUP BY TO_CHAR(a_size.month_timestamp,'MON RR'); -- if output='text' then --dbms_output.put_line(upper('Host: ' || i.host_name)); -- dbms_output.put_line('Growth per month: ' || trunc(v_avg_month,2) || ' MB'); -- end if; --If the database is ASM then we need to do some other magic. -- select count(*) into v_is_asm from mgmt$target where upper(host_name)=in_host and (type_qualifier2='ASM' or type_qualifier2='ASMINST'); select count(*) into v_is_asm from sysman.CM$MGMT_ASM_INSTANCE_ECM where upper(host_name)=in_host; if debugme=1 then dbms_output.put_line('is this asm: ' || v_is_asm); end if; SELECT --to_char(trunc(SUM(t.tablespace_size/1024/1024), 2),'999,999,999,999') AS ALLOC_MB, -- to_char(trunc(SUM(t.tablespace_used_size/1024/1024), 2),'999,999,999,999') AS USED_MB, trunc(SUM((t.tablespace_size - tablespace_used_size)/1024/1024), 2) into v_alloc_free_mb FROM mgmt$db_tablespaces t, (SELECT target_guid FROM mgmt$target WHERE target_guid=HEXTORAW(i.target_guid) AND (target_type='rac_database' OR (target_type='oracle_database' AND TYPE_QUALIFIER3 != 'RACINST'))) tg WHERE t.target_guid=tg.target_guid; if v_is_asm > 0 then
            --Get the cluster nanme
            dbms_output.put_line ('in host is ' || in_host );
            select lower(cluster_name) into V_CLUSTER_TARGET from sysman.MGMT_CLUSTER_CONFIG where upper(node_list) like '%' || in_host || '%';
            --Get the diskgroup from the datafiles in the DB
            select RTRIM(XMLAGG(XMLELEMENT(e,diskgroup || ',')).EXTRACT('//text()'),',') diskgroup into v_diskgroup from 
            (SELECT DISTINCT DISKGROUP FROM MGMT_ASM_CLIENT_ECM where upper(db_name) like SUBSTR(i.target_name,0,8) || '%' and UPPER(diskgroup) not like '%FRA%');
            DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Diskgroup: ' || v_diskgroup);
            dbms_output.put_line('Cluster name: +ASM_' || v_cluster_target);
            dbms_output.put_line('Target name: ' || i.target_name);
                      --this is for calculating the ASM usage
                             MAX (DECODE (seq, 1, CEIL (VALUE))),    
                             MAX (DECODE (seq, 3, CEIL (VALUE))),    
                             MAX (DECODE (seq, 2, CEIL (VALUE))),         -- PERCENT_USED
                             MAX (DECODE (seq, 4, CEIL (VALUE)))     -- USABLE_TOTAL_MB
                             into v_os_free,
                        FROM (SELECT target_name,
                                     key_value diskgroup,
                                     ROW_NUMBER ()
                                     OVER (PARTITION BY target_name, key_value
                                           ORDER BY metric_column)
                                FROM mgmt$metric_current
                               WHERE     lower(target_name) = '+asm_' || V_CLUSTER_TARGET
                                     AND key_value in (SELECT DISTINCT DISKGROUP FROM sysman.MGMT_ASM_CLIENT_ECM where upper(db_name) like SUBSTR(i.target_name,0,8) || '%' and UPPER(diskgroup) not like '%FRA%')
                                     AND metric_name = 'DiskGroup_Usage'
                                     AND metric_column IN ('total_mb',
                                                           dbms_output.put_line('os_free: ' || v_os_free);

            --Now calculate free space in the OS, but only use the mountpoint allocated to the database.
            SELECT --mountpoint,
                   --TRUNC (sizeb / 1024 / 1024, 2)                                  "TOTAL",
                   --TRUNC (USEDB / 1024 / 1024, 2)                                  "USED",
                   sum(TRUNC(FREEB/ 1024/1024, 2)) into v_os_free                                 
                   --TRUNC ( (USEDB / 1024 / 1024) / (sizeb / 1024 / 1024) * 100, 2) "%"
              FROM mgmt$storage_report_localfs
             WHERE     UPPER (target_name) = (in_host)
                   AND mountpoint IN
                          (SELECT DISTINCT os_storage_entity
                             FROM mgmt$DB_DATAFILES
                            WHERE     upper (HOST_name) = in_host
                                  AND upper(target_name) = upper(i.target_name)); 

          end if;	
            if (v_avg_month > 0)  then
                select trunc(((v_alloc_free_mb + v_os_free)/v_avg_month),2) into v_months_left from dual;
                dbms_output.put_line (' Months: ' || v_months_left);
                if length(v_months_left) < 6 then select add_months(trunc(sysdate),v_months_left) into v_enddate from dual; v_enddate_mess := v_enddate; else if output='text' then v_enddate_mess := 'Too far in the future to calculate'; else v_enddate_mess := 'N/A'; end if; end if; if output='text' then v_mymonths_left := 'This system will reach 100% by : ' || v_enddate_mess; else v_mymonths_left := v_enddate_mess; end if; else v_mymonths_left := 'N/A'; end if; if output = 'text' then dbms_output.put_line('Host is ' || in_host); dbms_output.put_line('Database: ' || i.target_name); dbms_output.put_line('Allocated DB free mb ' || v_alloc_free_mb || ' MB'); if v_is_asm > 0 then
                        dbms_output.put_line('Allocated Diskgroup free ' || v_diskgroup || ' ' || v_os_free || ' MB');
                        dbms_output.put_line('Total MB free ' || v_diskgroup || ' ' || v_total_mb || ' MB');
                        dbms_output.put_line('Percentage free ' || v_diskgroup || ' ' || v_percent_used || '%'); 
                        dbms_output.put_line('Total Usable ' || v_diskgroup || ' ' || v_usable_total_mb || ' MB');
                        dbms_output.put_line('Allocated OS free mb ' || v_os_free || ' MB');    
                    end if;
                    dbms_output.put_line('Growth per month ' || trunc(v_avg_month,2) || ' MB');
                    dbms_output.put_line (v_mymonths_left);
                    dbms_output.put_line ('------------------------------------------------------------------------');
                    dbms_output.put_line(i.host_name || chr(9) || i.target_name || chr(9) || v_alloc_free_mb || chr(9) || v_os_free || chr(9) || trunc(v_avg_month,2) || chr(9) || v_enddate_mess);
            end if;  

        END LOOP;
        dbms_output.put_line ('Disclaimer: This is an estimate only, data is not distributed evenly across all tablespaces and is not consumed evenly either!');

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