How to calculate DB time for a week

DB Time is a period demonstrate measurement that is the entirety of Oracle process CPU utilization and non-inert hold up time. While advancing Oracle frameworks we regularly center around decreasing “time”, however ordinarily database work is additionally part of the condition. SELECT sum(Round(NVL((e.value – s.value),-1)/60/1000000,2))/1440 ||’ days’ “DB Time” FROM DBA_HIST_SYS_TIME_MODEL s, DBA_HIST_SYS_TIME_MODEL e WHERE … Read more

How many log switches per hour

Calculate the log switches per hour over the last week. SET PAGESIZE 90 SET LINESIZE 150 set heading on column “00:00” format 9999 column “01:00” format 9999 column “02:00” format 9999 column “03:00” format 9999 column “04:00” format 9999 column “05:00” format 9999 column “06:00” format 9999 column “07:00” format 9999 column “08:00” format 9999 … Read more