Change passwords in Oracle with Python

Write the contents out to a CSV file import sys import cx_Oracle import os def printf (format,*args): sys.stdout.write (format % args) def printException (exception): error, = exception.args printf (“Error code = %s\n”,error.code); printf (“Error message = %s\n”,error.message); username = sys.argv[1] password = sys.argv[2] databaseName = sys.argv[3] new_user = sys.argv[4] new_password = sys.argv[5] print(‘Connecting to ‘ … Read more

Close Waits

How to resolve close waits from the OS Lets look at the close waits and see how many and the offending port. The following will show us the port and IPof the close wait netstat -an |grep -i close tcp 1 0 CLOSE_WAIT tcp 1 0 CLOSE_WAIT tcp 1 0 … Read more